Thomas Bruhn

Thomas Bruhn


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Diplompädagoge (= qualified educationalist)  from the Goethe University at Frankfurt/Main in Germany., Teacher for ETB (English through Theravāda Buddhism).

Random teaching hour can be seen here:–8E3ZNud8pwnSaB/view?usp=sharingl


Bruhn, Thomas; Meditatives Entspannungstraining in einer Rehabilitationsklinik; in: Prävention – Zeitschrift für Gesundheitserziehung, Heft 3/86

Bruhn, Thomas: Meditative relaxation training in a rehabilitation clinic; in: Vipassanā Research Journal, Vol.1, number 2, 1987

Bruhn, Thomas; Theorie und Praxis der Atmungsachtsamkeit; in: K.- E. Bühler und E. Wolz-Gottwald; Therapie und Spiritualität, Gladenbach, 1989

Bruhn, Thomas; Theravāda Buddhismus und politisches Engagement in Deutschland – passt das zusammen? 2010, ISBN  978383915611 7

Bruhn, Thomas; Theravāda Buddhismus und politisches Engagement in Myanmar – passt das zusammen? in: Südostasien 3/2014, Zeitschrift für Politik, Kultur, Dialog

Bruhn, Thomas; Earning merits – an ancient practise of the citizen of Myanmar applied in modern Myanmar society: presented at the „Interdisziplinäre Myanmar-Konferenz 2017“  (16.- 18.6. 2017 in Bonn, Germany)

Steffen Schödwell, Theresa Steinhäuser & Anna Auckenthaler; Challenges for Myanmar Health Care Professionals in the treatment of Depressive Symptoms, with a brief additional survey on Theravāda Buddhist Mental Health Concepts from Thomas Bruhn:  presented at the „Interdisziplinäre Myanmar-Konferenz 2017“  (16.- 18.6. 2017 in Bonn, Germany)

Bruhn, Thomas; Earning merits – an ancient and current practise of the citizen of Myanmar: presented at the 10th International Convention of Asia Scholars ICAS 10 in Chiang Mai, Thailand from 20-23 July 2017.

Bruhn, Thomas; Making merits (puñña) in modern Myanmar society – will it stand the test of time? presented at the 2nd International Conference on Burma/Myanmar Studies (ICBMSII), University of Mandalay, Myanmar; 16- 18 February 2018 see:

Bruhn, Thomas; The practise of making merits in Myanmar – is there a generation gap? A case study. Paper presented at the13th International Burma Studies Conference in Bangkok, 3.- 5. August.2018 see:

Bruhn, Thomas; Can the “fourfold cause of matter” according to Theravāda Buddhism provide new insights for the clinical setting with psychosomatic patients in Myanmar? Paper presented at the 18th International Congress of the Pacific Rim College of Psychiatrists (PRCP) in Yangon, Myanmar,  26. – 28. October 2018….see: PRCP 2018-converted-2

Bruhn, Thomas; Myanmar Buddhist in Frankfurt/Germany – do they practise their religion in diaspora?  Paper ID: 539446, presented at the 11th International Convention of Asia Scholars (ICAS) in Leiden, Netherlands, 16 -19 July 2019. see: Abstract-converted (1)

Bruhn, Thomas; The importance of the MAHĀ MAṄGALA SUTTA and the 10 Pāramī for the day to day life of the young generation;  presented at the 2nd European Buddhist Youth Forum on 26th July 2019

Bruhn, Thomas; Verdienste erwerben, unpublished, see: 

Bruhn, Thomas; The Paṭṭhāna, The seventh and final text of the Abhidhamma Pitaka. A summery as a basis for lesson material. In preparation. What I learned during covid 19 about Paṭṭhāna  

Bruhn, Thomas; Research Paper presented at the 7th International Conference of the Sri Lanka Association of Buddhist Studies in March, 2024: Ānāpāna sati: confusion in the West is not uncommon.

Bruhn, Thomas; A Summary of Mahāthera Ledi Sayadaws Bodhipakkhiyādhammādīpanī, being a lesson book for the young generation. Abstract here: 37 factors

Bruhn, Thomas;  A Manual of the Excellent Man, Uttamapurisa Dīpanī, Mahāthera Ledi Sayadaw, Aggamahāpaṇḍita, D.Litt. …to be prepared for the XX th Congress of the International Association of Buddhist Studies (Leipzig), from August 10th to 15th, 2025, Panel: „Pali Literature in the Second Millenium: Southeast Asia, Section: Early Buddhism.“ Abstract here: abstract Leipzig  

Bruhn, Thomas; The Mahāthera Ledi Sayadaw – A Suggestion for Lesson Material. Presented at the 11th International Conference of the Shan State Buddhist University, Myanmar, November 2024. “The Endeavours of Prominent Figures in Teaching and Practising Buddhism” Full paper here: